Report Annual Meeting of the Light & Glass Society in Vienna June 8th – 10th 2023

Report Annual Meeting of the Light & Glass Society in Vienna  June 8th – 10th 2023

For those members who came early to Vienna it was possible to attend the grand opening on the evening of the 6th of June of the special Exhibition in the Vienna Museum for the Applied Arts “Glanz und Glamour – 200 years Lobmeyr”. The exhibition curated by Alice Liechtenstein gives a beautiful feeling of the […] Read the whole article »

Light & Glass Yearly Meeting “200 Years Lobmeyr” 8th – 11th June 2023, Vienna

Light & Glass Yearly Meeting "200 Years Lobmeyr" 8th - 11th June 2023, Vienna

Yearly Meeting, “200 Years Lobmeyr” Full Schedule PDF: Meeting_schedule_2023 Vienna Programme PDF: Speaker Programme Eng This year we have the honour of getting to know not just one, but two time-honoured Viennese chandelier producers better. It gives us great pleasure to announce the participation of the Bakalowits Company this year, which has been in existence […] Read the whole article »

The Chursächsische Spiegelfabrik at Friedrichsthal in the Electorate of Saxony: Rediscovery of a Forgotten Glass Factory and its Products from Frank C. Möller, Art dealer and researcher

The Chursächsische Spiegelfabrik at Friedrichsthal in the Electorate of Saxony: Rediscovery of a Forgotten Glass Factory and its Products from Frank C. Möller, Art dealer and researcher

                        This article aims to rescue from oblivion one of the most important German glass factories of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: the Chursächsische Spiegelfabrik, or Mirror Factory of the Electorate of Saxony, founded by the Elector at Friedrichsthal, north of Dresden, in […] Read the whole article »

Venini: Light 1921-1985 Exhibition at Le Stanza del Vetro, Venice

Venini: Light 1921-1985 Exhibition at Le Stanza del Vetro, Venice

EXTENDED – The Exhibition has been extended to the 9th of July 2023, worth a visit! The autumn exhibition “Venini: Light 1921 – 1985”, curated by Marino Barovier, intends to explore the glassworks’ activity in the field of lighting, from a small to a large scale, tracing an excursus through its most significant projects. One […] Read the whole article »

Von Spinnen, Engeln und dem Licht der Welt Weihnachten im Jägerhof, Dresden – Ausstellung / Exhibition Erzgebirge Lighting in Dresden

Von Spinnen, Engeln und dem Licht der Welt Weihnachten im Jägerhof, Dresden - Ausstellung / Exhibition Erzgebirge Lighting in Dresden

Update; Die Ausstellung geht weiter, es wird von 29.10.2022—08.01.2023 wieder möglich ein Besuch abzustatten. Mit Beginn der dunklen Winterzeit lassen wir es im Jägerhof wieder strahlen und glitzern – nicht nur durch die traditionelle Weihnachtsdekoration in der Adventszeit. Wir holen auch die prachtvollen erzgebirgischen Kronleuchter aus dem „Sommerschlaf“ und beleuchten (!) damit einen wichtigen Aspekt […] Read the whole article »

Yearly Meeting at the Palacio da Ajuda in Lisbon, Portugal June 23 – 26, 2022

Yearly Meeting at the Palacio da Ajuda in Lisbon, Portugal June 23 - 26, 2022

    bitte runterscrollen für Deutsch. The European Society was permitted a grand re-start to the Yearly Meetings, with our gathering in Lisbon at the Palacio Nacional da Ajuda. After two postponements, we were finally able to enjoy the hospitality of our valued colleagues at the Palacio da Ajuda in Portugal. We are most thankful […] Read the whole article »